Why is Focus on the Family Changing their View of Divorce?

by | Apr 1, 2021 | Christians and Divorce, Divorce Bible Verses, Focus on the Family, For Pastors

Focus on the Family Keeps Changing their View of Biblical Divorce

-but Not for Abuse Victims


Did you know Focus on the Family has held 3 conflicting views of biblical divorce in the past two years?  It’s so confusing.

  1. -Two reasons for divorce (but they don’t condone divorce for physical or emotional abuse)
  2. -Three reasons for divorce (but they don’t condone divorce for physical or emotional abuse)
  3. -The Permanence of Marriage view (which means NO acceptable reasons for divorce)


Three Contradictory Statements about Divorce on the Focus on the Family Website


1. Two reasons for divorce (July 2019)

Back on July 25, 2019, Focus condoned divorce only for sexual immorality and abandonment by an unbeliever. But later this changed. Did the Bible suddenly change?


Notice how they add their own view to the list. They claim sexual immorality is grounds for divorce, but only if the perpetrator is unwilling to repent and live faithfully with their marriage partner. That’s not what Scripture says. They are adding to the Bible. Sexual immorality all by itself is grounds for divorce. That breaks the marriage covenant.  Focus claims that “abandonment” has to be “willful and permanent.” But that’s not what Scripture says either.  How would someone know that the abandonment was permanent until the end of their life?

Here’s the screenshot:

This is a screen capture on July 25, 2019 of this webpage: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/marriage/divorce-and-infidelity/should-i-get-a-divorce/how-should-a-christian-view-marriage-and-divorce. However it was later changed.

2.  Three reasons for divorce (January 2021)


Sometime between July 25, 2019 and January 1, 2021, Focus on the Family changed their statement to condone divorce and remarriage for people who became Christians after their divorce, even though the Bible doesn’t give that loophole.

Here’s the exact quote: “There is a third instance in which we believe remarriage is acceptable in Scripture. That instance is when an individual’s divorce occurred prior to salvation.”


Forgive my cynicism, but what board member or big donor got Focus on the Family to approve that change?

If Focus on the Family wants abused wives to sacrifice and suffer for Christ and never divorce (and then tell them if they do, they cannot remarry from a biblical standpoint), then perhaps Focus should demand the same loyalty and dedication from new converts to Christ.

Here’s the screenshot:

Focus on the Family January 2021 Divorce Policy


So let’s look at Focus on the Family’s theological explanation

Wait a second! Isn’t that the whole point of Christianity and Christ’s death on the Cross? Aren’t we are all forgiven, both for the things we did before our conversion and for the wrongs we did afterwards?

So Focus on the Family’s explanation doesn’t make sense.


Notice how they add their own view to the list. They claim sexual immorality is grounds for divorce, but only if the perpetrator is unwilling to repent and live faithfully with their marriage partner. That’s not what Scripture says. They are adding to the Bible. Sexual immorality all by itself is grounds for divorce. That breaks the marriage covenant.


Focus claims that the “abandonment” has to be willful and permanent. But that’s not what Scripture says either.  How would someone know that the abandonment was permanent until the end of their life?


Full divorce policy can be found here: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/family-qa/focus-on-the-familys-position-on-marriage-and-divorce/    For a theological discussion of this, go to www.lifesavingdivorce.com/fotfdivorce Focus on the Family Divorce policy (screen capture 10-3-21)

3. Zero Reasons for Divorce

On the Focus on the Family Mission and Values page they claim they hold “The Permanence of Marriage.” In Evangelicalism, this phrase has a particular meaning: that there is no divorce for any reason. And the description offers no exception.  https://www.focusonthefamily.com/about/foundational-values/


Focus on the Family Permanence View Statement on their "Foundational Values" and Vision Page.

Making up Words in the Bible: Making it harder for wives of abusers, cheaters, and pedophiles to divorce

Further, the president, Jim Daly, states in a major 2019 public video for people in desperate marriages that “God hates divorce in every case.” This is truly tragic because a desperate marriage probably involves abuse or adultery or child molestation or family-crushing addictions. (See image below.) The Bible never says God hates divorce in every case. In fact, the Bible commands divorce three times, and only prohibits it once. Divorce is never mentioned in any list of sins in the Bible.  But here is the president of Focus on the Family telling abused Christians that God disapproves of all divorces. No wonder so many of their listeners are suicidal. They feel trapped for life with a cruel spouse.

What’s wrong with these people?

Then, several months ago Focus re-posted on Facebook a 2018 article from a mega-church pastor suggesting there were no valid reasons for divorce. We readers and donors are getting whiplash.

Jim Daly fotf God hates divorce in every case copy

So Focus on the Family is really confused about their own position.

Thousands of abused wives (and husbands) look to Focus on the Family for reliable and godly information. What does Focus believe? What are we to believe? Focus seems to be confused.


According to their IRS filings, their phone counselors get calls from people who are “Potential suicides, cases of spouse abuse, and child molestation…”   In Aug 2021, they claimed to get about 50,000 phone calls in the prior 12 months. If your daughter were married to a child molester, would you want her to call an organization that say that God “hates divorce in every case”?


Focus on the Family’s Bizarre Stance on Pedophiles


PEDOPHILIA: Focus on the Family discourages divorce if the husband is attracted to children and molests children. Here is a critique of their article on “Pedophilia in Marriage” where they say “God hates divorce, ” but NEVER say “God hates child sexual abuse.” And in that article, they never mention that sexual immorality is grounds for biblical divorce according to Jesus’ words in Matthew 19:9), even though they mention it elsewhere on their site.



Ex-wives of pedophiles tell me they’ve called Focus on the Family with their story of a child-molesting husband. Some were not advised to leave, like this young mother of three who was married to a batterer and child rapist.  https://youtu.be/FBITqZRfETU Sometimes their phone counselors do tell physically abused wives to “leave,” “get to safety,” or “separate,” but they say that it is temporary and that reconciliation is the goal.


Abused Wives are Being Sacrificed So Focus on the Family Can Make Money $$$

Focus on the Family uses their STOP DIVORCE message to bring in donations. This expensive advertisement says: “Broken Couples need your help! STOP DIVORCE! Just $30 can save a marriage from divorce.” It appeared on the Merriam-Webster Dictionary website, not on their own site. Focus on the Family is spending people’s donations to pay for these advertisements.

Did you know Focus on the Family does not condone divorce for domestic violence? Is that okay with you? Abused wives and kids are being sacrificed so that Focus on the Family can make money.

When safety isn't the issue... All Focus on the Family cares about is your marital status (2)

Can We Count on Focus on the Family to Give Good Advice to Suicidal or Abused Spouses?


They claim to get many phone calls from suicidal spouses and those trapped in abusive marriages. Imagine the horror of telling a friend to call Focus on the Family, only to discover that Focus pressures them to stay married!


Focus on the Family explanation of their services on their IRS Form 990 for 2014, the last publicly available tax year. Focus on the Family explanation of their services on their IRS Form 990 for 2014, the last publicly available tax year.


Focus on the Family needs to get change their official policy and the way they discuss divorce because their stance endangers Christian parents and children. Thousands of people in desperately troubled marriages call them, but if they cannot ever suggest DIVORCE for physical or emotional abuse, they are trapping Christians in marriage (or separation) for the rest of their lives, driving them into danger, despair, depression, and suicide-and damaging their children as well. Their viewpoint kills people through homicide and suicide. Their message destroys parents and their children.


Research has found that when divorce is difficult to obtain, suicide rates, domestic violence rates, and homicide rates are higher.




I believe that God gave divorce as protection for women in the Bible. Here’s my blog post and video on that.


Physical and Emotional Abuse & Infidelity
How to Find a Good Supportive Church
Self-Doubt, Second-Guessing Ourselves, and Gaslighting



Are you going through a life-saving divorce? 

I’d like to invite you to my private Facebook group, “Life-Saving Divorce for Separated or Divorced Christians.” Just click the link and ANSWER the 3 QUESTIONS. This is a group for women and men of faith who have walked this path, or are considering it. Supporters and people helpers are also welcome.  I’ve written a book about spiritual abuse and divorce for Christians. Also, sign up for my email list below.



Start Here

Physical and Emotional Abuse & Infidelity

God Allows Divorce to Protect Victims


Does God Hate Divorce? No, Most English Bible Translations Don’t Say That

How to Find a Good Supportive Church


What If My Pastor Says It Would Be Wrong to Get Divorced for Abuse?


Divorce Saves Lives: The Surprising (Wonderful!) Truth About Divorce Nobody Told You

Will I Ever Find Love Again? Dating After Divorce: Good News

Finding Happiness and Health After Divorce


Thriving After Divorce: These Christians Tell their Stories

Self-Doubt, Second-Guessing Ourselves, and Gaslighting

Children and Divorce: Researchers Give Hope


High Conflict Divorce and Parenting

Recommended Reading List and Free Resources for Christians and Other People of Faith


Common Myths






GET THE BOOK! The Life-Saving Divorce is about divorces for very serious reasons: a pattern of sexual immorality, physical abuse, chronic emotional abuse, life-altering addictions, abandonment, or severe neglect. This book will give you hope for your future, and optimism about your children. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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