This is Myth 7 of 27 Myths about marriage and divorce that aren't likely to be true of people who love God and take their faith seriously. These messages make us worry if we're...
Adultery and Infidelity
Can I Divorce After Saying “For Better or For Worse”?
CAN I DIVORCE AFTER SAYING "FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE"? When committed people of faith promise "for better or for worse" in our wedding vows, we take those words seriously....
Does “For Better or For Worse” Mean I Cannot Divorce?
DOES "FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE" MEAN I CANNOT DIVORCE? When committed people of faith promise "for better or for worse" in our wedding vows, we take those words seriously....
25 Things to Do With Your Wedding Dress After Divorce
What Did You Do With Your Wedding Dress or Tuxedo After Divorce? In June 2021, there was an informal poll in my private Facebook Group: Life-Saving Divorce for Separated or...
Top 5 Myths About Divorce that Don’t Apply to Christians and Others of Deep Faith
5 MYTHS OF DIVORCE THAT DON'T APPLY TO COMMITTED CHRISTIANS (OR TO OTHER DEEPLY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE) Let’s face it, well-meaning friends and family and even counselors give us...
How Do I Know If My Spouse Has Really Changed?
Summary: This article gives 3 ways you can know if your abusive or addicted or cheating or lying spouse has really changed. Or watch the 20-min. video version on YouTube. ...
130 Examples of Abuse: Physical, Emotional, Sexual, Spiritual, Financial and Neglect
130 Examples of Abuse and Control Overt and Covert Physical, Emotional, Sexual, Financial and Spiritual Abuse and Neglect From the book, The Life-Saving Divorce by...
25 Things to Do With Your Wedding Ring After Divorce
What Did You Do With Your Wedding and Engagement Ring After Divorce? In August 2020, there was an informal poll on my private Facebook Group: Life-Saving Divorce for Separated or...
There Is No Divorce Crisis. We have a Sin Crisis.
If you're new to my blog, read this first. I'm a committed Christian who started leading Christian divorce recovery groups in Evangelical churches in 1998. I write about...
Help! I’m Married to a Cheater! To Stay or to Go?
What does a Christian do when adultery is discovered? We were taught to value the sanctity of marriage. We learned that marriage was for life, and that God can save any marriage....