Researchers have found (to their surprise) that deeply religious people stay in horrible marriages longer and endure far worse abuse than average. In the face of marriage-endangering behavior, many religious people double down and try harder. They pray. They fast. They go to their pastor. They try be kinder, more forgiving, more sexually available, less argumentative, blaming themselves and bending over backwards to save their marriage. But a long time passes, and none of these things work.
Others might walk away, but these devout people just put their head down and charge through life trying to make the best of a bad situation. Sometimes the marriage improves. Sometimes the vulnerable spouse puts their foot down and says “No more,” and gives consequences for bad behavior. And often that’s enough to turn the marriage around. But when it doesn’t—when a selfish person feels entitled to cheat, lie, intimidate, or control you—and have their own way—these marriages can become dangerous
Let’s look at those messages and see if they apply to your destructive marriage. Click on each one to see the full blog post on it, including ways to respond to them
Myths of Divorce: You’re divorcing because… (click the link to see more)
Myth 1: You just fell out of love.
TRUTH: No. Many divorces are life-saving.
Myth 2: You just don’t take God-ordained marriage seriously.
TRUTH: Life-saving divorcees took marriage very seriously. Their spouse didn’t—with their actions, not just their words.
Myth 3: You just didn’t try hard enough.
TRUTH: People in the most destructive marriages try harder, and longer, than most people.
Myth 4: You didn’t attend church enough.
TRUTH: Churchgoing doesn’t make dangerous marriages safe, and it doesn’t make dangerous spouses magically change.
Myth 5: Christians have to forgive over and over again, forever.
TRUTH: Christians can forgive and get out of a destructive marriage.
Myth 6: You’re exaggerating! We’d all know if your spouse was that bad.
TRUTH: It is almost impossible to spot dangerous spouses from outside of the marriage.
Myth 7: It’s your fault, because “it takes two to tango.”
TRUTH: It only takes one destructive spouse to make a marriage dangerous.
Myth 8: It’s your fault, because you’re not perfect, either.
TRUTH: We don’t have to be perfect before we call for a stop to abuse and cruelty.
Myth 9: You can’t demand good treatment. Christians have no rights.
TRUTH: It is godly and biblical to call for justice and loving treatment, for ourselves and others.
Myth 10: It’s your fault, because you didn’t give your spouse enough sex.
TRUTH: Cheating or sexual abuse is never justified. Your spouse’s sexual addiction or deviance can’t be fixed by giving them more sex.
Myth 11: It’s your fault, because you deserve punishment.
TRUTH: No one deserves abuse or cruelty—ever. God calls us to love one another, not mistreat and betray each other.
Myth 12: It’s your fault, because you didn’t submit enough.
TRUTH: Submission doesn’t prevent abuse. If there is abuse, commanding more submission makes things worse, not better.
Myth 13: The person who files for divorce caused the divorce.
TRUTH: The person who betrays, abuses, and breaks the vows is the one who caused the divorce.
Myth 14: Divorcing bestows a curse on your family.
TRUTH: A life-saving divorce brings God’s freedom to the family, not a curse.
Myth 15: God will heal your marriage if you pray enough.
TRUTH: God does not promise to heal all marriages in answer to our prayers. Sometimes, he answers our prayers by helping us get out of a marriage when it turns dangerous.
Myth 16: It’s God’s will for you to suffer quietly in your marriage.
TRUTH: God’s will is for justice, love, and truth to be lifted high—not for his children to live in silent suffering and bondage.
Myth 17: Marriage is God’s best way to mature you.
TRUTH: God matures us in many ways, not only through marriage. He can mature us through a life-saving divorce and through rebuilding our lives afterward.
Myth 18: God forbids all divorce, and divorce is the unpardonable sin.
TRUTH: Scripture shows that God gives permission for divorce.
Myth 19: Your divorce will shatter the image of Christ and the church.
TRUTH: No human being is powerful enough to shatter the image of Christ and the church. Abuse and betrayal dishonor Christ, not life-saving divorces.
Myth 20: If you are godly, you can marry any Christian, and it will work.
TRUTH: It matters whom you marry, because a healthy marriage takes two to build, not just one.
Myth 21: Divorce will destroy your children. You should stay for the sake of your kids.
TRUTH: Dangerous marriages harm children by making them victims of cruelty, or witnesses of it. Life-saving divorce can get them to safety and help them to thrive.
Myth 22: It takes two parents to raise good kids.
TRUTH: Emotionally healthy single parents and stepparents can do as good a job of raising healthy kids as anyone else.
Myth 23: You can’t divorce your spouse, because they don’t know any better.
TRUTH: We can put a stop to abuse even when the abuser doesn’t “get it.” We can love someone, and leave our dangerous marriage to them, at the same time.
Myth 24: If you stay and suffer, you might save your spouse, and you will glorify Christ.
TRUTH: Your spouse is not abusing you because of your faith, and Christ is not glorified by your anguish. Staying and suffering is no guarantee you’ll win an abusive spouse to Christ
Myth 25: You can only divorce if they hit you.
TRUTH: Emotional/verbal abuse, financial abuse, and spiritual abuse are all unacceptable forms of treatment and are grounds for divorce, both from a biblical and legal perspective.
Myth 26: Husbands must cleanse and sanctify their wives.
TRUTH: Jesus cleanses and sanctifies us, not our spouses. Husbands cannot and should not try to take the place of Jesus in their spouse’s life.
Myth 27: You cannot divorce because you are one flesh and have a soul tie.
TRUTH: Our bond with the Lord is eternal and cannot be ended.
To you, dear friend: If these myths torment you, making you second- and third- and fourth-guess yourself, cling to God’s truth.
The abuse, neglect, infidelity, or other immorality is not your fault.
You tried hard enough—and then some! You’ve gone to counseling, you’ve set boundaries, you’ve carried out consequences. There is nothing more you can do. Your kids are not likely to be ruined forever if you get a life-saving divorce. Eight in ten children come out with no serious lifelong problems socially, emotionally or psychologically. God will not punish you for divorcing. On the contrary, he will help you through, and he will help you heal afterward.
Don’t live in silent suffering, captive to the bad behavior of your spouse, mired in perpetual disrespect, contempt, or misery. You are valuable to Jesus, as we see in Luke 13, his greatest divorce sermon.
Let God’s truth set you free.
To pastors and church leaders:
Devout people keep their marriage problems hidden. They keep praying for a miracle. So there’s a good chance someone you know (maybe it’s you) has never told their pastor, or anyone at church, about the abuse, infidelity, gambling addiction, or pedophilia. And when the problems become volcanic, and the vulnerable spouse — the one who invested and sacrificed themselves repeatedly — finally crumbles under the strain, no one believes them. If you want to help spouses in distress, please read Chapter 8 of the Life-Saving Divorce book.
©2020 Gretchen Baskerville. All rights reserved.
These 27 myths are taken from the book, The Life-Saving Divorce: Hope for People Leaving Destructive Marriages,” by Gretchen Baskerville. For an explanation of each myth, plus examples and ways to answer when friends and family accuse you of giving up early, see Chapter 3. This book is for Christians (and other people of faith) who are trapped in destructive marriages, as well as for pastors, counselors, and other church leaders who wish to improve their counseling skills. See what other people say about this book: Read reviews on Goodreads.
Are you going through a life-saving divorce? I’d like to invite you to my private Facebook group, “Life-Saving Divorce for Separated or Divorced Christians.” Just click the link and ANSWER the 3 QUESTIONS. This is a group for women and men of faith who have walked this path, or are considering it. Supporters and people helpers are also welcome. I’ve written a book about spiritual abuse and divorce for Christians. Also, sign up for my email list below.
Start Here
- What is a Life-Saving Divorce? How Do We Know Half of Divorces are “Life-Saving”? (or watch the video)
- Life-Saving Divorce: Introduction What Is this Book About? (audio and transcript)
- About Me: Why Is a Nice Christian Girl Like Me Promoting Divorce?
- How Can I Get the Book, The Life-Saving Divorce? (Amazon affiliate link.)
Physical and Emotional Abuse & Infidelity
- 130 Examples of Abuse: Emotional, Physical, Financial, Spiritual and Gaslighting
- Abuse is Biblical Grounds for Divorce
- “But He Never Hit Me”: Divorce for Neglect, Emotional, and Financial Abuseå
- Pastors Who Accept Physical and Emotional Abuse as Grounds for Divorce
- Severe Emotional Neglect: Toni’s Story of Finding Freedom (video)
- 40 Years of Murderous Rages and How I Got Free! Karen’s story (video)
- How Churches Should Handle Abuse Victims (video with Pastor Neil Schori)
- Help! I’m Married to a Cheater: Should I Stay or Go?
- Married to a Pedophile: How I Got Out – Pam’s Story (video)
- Help! I Am Alone with the Abuser
God Allows Divorce to Protect Victims
- Jesus’ Greatest Divorce Sermon – Luke 13 (or watch the Video)
- Pastors Who Accept Physical and Emotional Abuse as Grounds for Divorce
- Myth: The Person Who Files for Divorce Caused the Divorce
- Haven’t Our English Bibles Always Said, “God hates divorce”? No.
- Jesus Said, “Love My Enemy”—Can I Still Divorce Them?
- But I Thought it Was God’s Will for Me to Marry this Person!
- Is Pointing Out Marriage-Endangering Sin Being Judgmental? (video)
- One Woman’s Story: Adultery, Prayer and the Bible
- Is Marriage an Unconditional Covenant or a Conditional One? (Video)
- Does Divorce Shatter the Image of Christ and the Church as John Piper Suggests?
- Divorce and the Good Samaritan Story
- Myth: Divorce is the Unpardonable Sin and “God Hates Divorce”
- Myth: Your Divorce Will Shatter the Image of Christ and the Church
- Myth: You Must Forgive and Forget Over and Over, Forever
Does God Hate Divorce? No, Most English Bible Translations Don’t Say That
- Malachi 2:16 Haven’t Our English Bibles Always Said, “God hates divorce”? No.
- Myth: Divorce is the Unpardonable Sin and “God Hates Divorce”
- List of Every Known Puritan Divorce in Massachusetts between 1639 and 1692.
How to Find a Good Supportive Church
- Pastors Who Accept Physical and Emotional Abuse as Grounds for Divorce
- 7 Ways to Know if a Church is Safe for Abused Wives (or Abused Husbands)
- Do My Pastors Have a Say about Me Getting a Divorce?
- Good vs. Bad Pastoral Counselors on the Topic of Marital Abuse: 40 People Tell their Stories
What If My Pastor Says It Would Be Wrong to Get Divorced for Abuse?
- 5 Bible Verses that Say You Should Separate from an Abuser
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- Church Denominations and Divorce Policies Comparison Chart
- Excommunication for Getting Divorced? What to Do!
- Evangelicals Shooting their Own Wounded Divorcees (video) or blog/transcript
- How to Handle Criticism When You Divorce (video-3 parts) Natalie Hoffman, Gina Kaye
- Myth: You Don’t Take God-Ordained Marriage Seriously
- Sermon Ideas for Domestic Violence Awareness Month – October
- Churches That Block Abused Wives (and Husbands) From Divorcing
- Southern Baptists make Evangelicalism Unsafe for Abused Wives & Husbands
- How Churches Should Handle Abuse Victims (video with Pastor Neil Schori)
Divorce Saves Lives: The Surprising (Wonderful!) Truth About Divorce Nobody Told You
- Your Kids Will Likely Be Fine After Divorce (Nearly 8 in 10 Are!)
- 10 Facts Evangelical Pastors MUST Know about Kids and Divorce [VIDEO]
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- Myth: 95% of Divorces are for Falling Out of Love
Will I Ever Find Love Again? Dating After Divorce: Good News
- Will I Ever Find Love Again?
- Dating after Divorce: An interview with Gina Kaye
- I Fear I’ll Never Find a Healthy Relationship
- Remarriage after Divorce: How Can I Claim to be the Innocent Spouse? I Had My Faults Too!
Finding Happiness and Health After Divorce
- Will the Kids and I Ever Be Happy Again?
- Happiness Either Way: Remarriage or Staying Single
- Divorce May Improve Your Health: Depression, Suicidal Thoughts and Medical Issues
- How My Health Improved Dramatically After Divorce: Karen’s Story (video)
- “I’m Off of All My Depression Medications Now That I’ve Divorced” Schari’s story (video)
- PTSD, EMDR and My Major Health Improvements after Divorce Toni’s story (video)
Thriving After Divorce: These Christians Tell their Stories
- Christians Finding Peace after Divorce: Shirley Fessel, Author (Audio) or (Video)
- 10 Turning Points: Stories of How Others Decided to Stay or to Go
- Married to a Pedophile: How My Kids and I Got Free! (video)
- Finding Joy after a 40-Year Abusive Marriage (video)
- Can I Divorce My Mentally Ill, Destructive Spouse? Yes! Amanda’s Story (video)
- From Bondage to Glorifying God! 5 Survivor Stories (after 20-, 30-, 40-year long abusive marriages)
Self-Doubt, Second-Guessing Ourselves, and Gaslighting
- Am I the One Destroying the Relationship?
- How Can I Call Myself the Innocent Spouse? I Wasn’t Perfect Either (video)
- Is Pointing Out Marriage-Endangering Sin Being Judgmental? (video)
- Myth: He Wouldn’t Cheat or Watch Porn if You Gave Him More Sex
- Myth: You’re Lying: We’d All Know If Your Spouse Was That Bad
- Myth: It Takes “Two to Tango” and “All Marriage Problems are 50/50”
- How to Handle Criticism When You Divorce (video-3 parts) Natalie Hoffman, Gina Kaye
Children and Divorce: Researchers Give Hope
- Is it Best to “Stay for the Kids”? Sometimes, yes. But Not if It’s a Toxic Marriage
- Researchers Know Your Kids Will Likely Be Fine After Life-Saving Divorce
- 5 Studies That Say Your Kids are Likely to Be Okay After Divorce (video)
- Marriage Does Not Guarantee Good Kids: 1 in 10 Kids from Married Two-Parent Homes are Troubled.
- Myth 21: Divorce will Destroy Your Children, So Stay for the Sake of Your Kids
High Conflict Divorce and Parenting
- Research shows: Your Kids Will Likely Be Fine After Divorce: In Fact It’s Best to Divorce to Get Away From Abuse
- 12 Ways to Document and Protect Yourself in a High-Conflict Divorce
- 12 Tips for Talking with Angry, Alienated Kids
- Myth: Divorce will Destroy Your Children, So Stay for the Sake of Your Kids
Recommended Reading List and Free Resources for Christians and Other People of Faith
Common Myths
- Myth: Your Marriage Would Be Great if You Just Submitted More
- Myth: Divorce will Destroy Your Children, So Stay for the Sake of Your Kids
- Myth: Divorce is the Unpardonable Sin and “God Hates Divorce”
- Myth: You Just Didn’t Try Hard Enough
- Myth: You Don’t Take God-Ordained Marriage Seriously
- Myth: Your Divorce Will Shatter the Image of Christ and the Church
- Myth: You Must Forgive and Forget Over and Over, Forever
- Myth: 95% of Divorces are for Falling Out of Love
- 27 Myths about Divorce That Probably Don’t Apply to Committed Christians
- Download “7 Effective Ways to End the Stigma of Divorce in the Church” (Sign up)
- Download “7 Effective Ways to Deal with Criticism when You Divorce” (Sign up)
- Download “3 Studies that Show Kids Are Most Likely to Turn Out Fine After Divorce” (Sign up at bottom of page)
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