Many Christian leaders enjoy quoting the study Does Divorce Make People Happy? from the Institute for American Values, often proclaiming, “Two out of three unhappily married...
For Pastors
The Institute for American Values on Divorce: Why Sticking It Out Isn’t Always the Answer
Many people like to quote the study "Does Divorce Make People Happy?" from The Institute for American Values, proudly claiming, “Two out of three unhappily married adults who...
Critique: “Divorced: What to Do When,” Focus on the Family article, by Ron Blue, Jeremy L. White
Critique: "Divorced: What to Do When," Focus on the Family article, by Ron Blue, Jeremy L. White This is a critique and analysis of the Focus on the Family article,...
Focus on the Family’s 3-Point Strategy for Gaslighting Wives in Destructive Marriages
Focus on the Family's 3-Point Strategy for Gaslighting Wives to Stay in Destructive Marriages Did you know Focus on the Family uses three methods to manipulate wives to...
Puritan Divorces: 10 Valid Reasons for Divorce
This table shows every known divorce among the Massachusetts Puritans 1639-1692. There are 40 divorces listed and the columns give the record location and page, the date, the...
Nearly 6 in 10 Christians Switch Churches When They Divorce
SWITCH CHURCHES, OR STAY, WHEN YOU DIVORCE? Nearly 6 in 10 Christians switch churches and leave their former church when they divorce. Lifeway Research (affiliated with the...
1-in-4 Highly Religious U.S. Marriages Have Abuse
1-in-4 Highly Religious U.S. Marriages Have Abuse How many Christian marriages have experienced abuse (intimate partner violence) with their current partner? It's...
Review: DivorceCare® Program Pros and Cons
Review of DivorceCare® Divorce Recovery Groups: Pros and Cons DivorceCare® (DC) is a conservative Christian divorce recovery program used in about 10% of Protestant...
Churches & Christian Denominations with Unsafe Divorce Policies for Abused Spouses
Churches & Denominations with Unsafe Official Divorce Policies for Abused Spouses If you belong to one of these denominations or attend one of their churches, please contact...
Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife: Resisting Sexual Harassment and Assault
HOW SEXUAL ABUSE VICTIMS RESIST Recently there was a tweet on Twitter talking about the biblical story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife (Genesis 39). The tweet suggested that...
Why Does She Stay In An Abusive Marriage? 50 Women & Men Tell Why
50 Abused Wives and Husbands Answer the Question: "Why Did You Stay So Long?" People wonder why abused women and men stay with a dangerous spouse for so long. I asked...
Why Did I Stay So Long When I Had Serious Grounds for Divorce?
Why did I stay so long when I had 100% serious biblical grounds for divorce? I asked this question in my private Facebook group, and here are some of the answers I received...
12 Half-Truths in “How Could Divorce Affect My Kids?” from Focus on the Family by Amy Desai, J.D.
Fact check of the article "How Could Divorce Affect My Kids?" by Amy Desai, J.D., on the Focus on the Family website. WARNING: This article has 12 half-truths in it. It misleads...
Top 5 Myths About Divorce that Don’t Apply to Christians and Others of Deep Faith
5 MYTHS OF DIVORCE THAT DON'T APPLY TO COMMITTED CHRISTIANS (OR TO OTHER DEEPLY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE) Let’s face it, well-meaning friends and family and even counselors give us...
My Pastor Never Told Me Divorce Could Be Good for Kids
Why Didn't Our Pastors, Christian Authors, or Christian Radio Programs Tell Us the Truth? Sometimes Divorce is Good for Kids! Why Didn't Anyone Tell Us the Truth? Divorce Is...
How Do I Know If My Spouse Has Really Changed?
Summary: This article gives 3 ways you can know if your abusive or addicted or cheating or lying spouse has really changed. Or watch the 20-min. video version on YouTube. ...
7 Ways Churches Can Address Emotional Abuse in Christian Marriages
Summary: This article gives 7 ways churches-especially Evangelical churches-can address emotional abuse in Christian marriages better. Then this article documents 7 problems and...
Why is Focus on the Family Changing their View of Divorce?
Focus on the Family Keeps Changing their View of Biblical Divorce -but Not for Abuse Victims Did you know Focus on the Family has held 3 conflicting views of biblical...
Christian Authors and Psychologists Now Say Emotional Abuse is Grounds for Divorce
Some Christian Marriage Authors and Counselors are Starting to Change their Minds about Physical and Emotional Abuse Some Christian authors and speakers now accept...
Emerson Eggerichs’s Book Enables Abuse—Leading to Divorce
Summary: 25 reviews of Emerson Eggerichs's book Love and Respect by people who read the book. Most found it to be harmful. Many women say the book made their husbands feel...
Why Do So Many Christian Marriages Have Sexual Abuse and Marital Rape?
Painful sex, marital rape, sexless marriages, and sexual coercion in Christian marriages are serious problems. Why do they exist? What can be done? VIDEO #1 HOW CAN WE...