Escape Plan: If You Are Thinking About Leaving (UPDATED Aug 2021) An important note: These are basic lists for people who are in difficult relationships but not in physical...
Safe Churches & Friends
List of Puritan Divorces Between 1639 and 1692
This table shows every known divorce among the Massachusetts Puritans 1639-1692. There are 40 divorces listed and the columns give the record location and page, the date, the...
Marriage Counseling in Abusive Situations is Unethical
Many Well-Meaning Therapists Don't Understand:It's Unethical To Do Couples Counseling When There's Abuse WHY? BECAUSE THESE COUNSELORS ACCIDENTALLY SIDE WITH THE ABUSER! The...
Good vs Bad Pastoral Counselors: Marital Abuse
Is It Safe to Tell Your Pastor Your Marriage Problems? In 2020, an informal Facebook survey question was posed to 800 Christians who were considering or had gotten a...
Good vs Bad Pastoral Counselors
Is It Safe to Tell Your Pastor Your Marriage Problems? In 2020, an informal Facebook survey question was posed to 800 Christians who were considering or had gotten a...
Do my pastors have a say about me getting a divorce?
Do my pastors have a say about me getting a divorce? Many pastors are well-meaning and caring, but they are completely naive about the deceit and tactics of charming spouses who...
7 Ways to Know if a Church is Safe for Abuse Victims or Divorcees
7 Ways to Know if a Church is Safe for Abuse Victims or Divorcees Are you looking for a new church when you need a separation or divorce? Did you know that nearly 6 in 10...
Sermon Ideas for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October)
Sermon Ideas for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October) This is the best domestic violence sermon I've ever heard. It's from Pastor Neil Schori, of the Edge Church, Aurora,...
Divorce Policy Comparison Chart: 40 Church Denominations
About Me: If you're new to my blog, read this first. I'm a committed Evangelical Christian. I attend, I tithe, I serve, I volunteer, I lead Bible studies. I started leading...
Dear Pastor (Notes from an Abused Christian Wife)
(Background: Here are two letters from devout Christian wives who were abuse victims. Brenda L. gave me permission to share her notes publicly. When she went to her former pastor...
Jesus Said, “Love My Enemy”—Can I Still Divorce Them?
About Me: If you're new to my blog, read this first. I'm a committed Evangelical Christian. I started leading Christian divorce recovery groups in conservative churches in 1998. ...
Churches That Block Abused Wives (and Husbands) From Divorcing
About Me: If you're new to my blog, read this first. I'm a committed Evangelical Christian. I started leading Christian divorce recovery groups in conservative churches in 1998. ...
1 Million God-honoring Divorcees Cannot Find a Safe Church
1 Million God-honoring Divorcees Cannot Find a Safe Church...and that's a shame because Evangelical churches care about people. I'm one of the fortunate Christian divorcees. I...
Divorce Myths Busted: Why Leaving a Toxic Marriage Can Be Best for Your Children
About Me: If you're new to my blog, read this first. I started leading Christian divorce recovery groups in Evangelical churches in 1998. I write about "life-saving divorces,"...
Jesus’ Greatest Divorce Sermon – Luke 13
If you're new to my blog, read this first. I'm a committed Christian who started leading Christian divorce recovery groups in Evangelical churches in 1998. I write about...
5 Factors (such as Age at Marriage) and the Divorce Rate
5 Factors (such as Age at Marriage) and the Divorce Rate About Me: If you're new to my blog, read this first. I started leading Christian divorce recovery groups in Evangelical...
Divorce and the Good Samaritan Story
If you're new to my blog, read this first. I started leading Christian divorce recovery groups in Evangelical churches in 1998. I write about "life-saving divorces," those...
Sermon Ideas for Domestic Violence Awareness Month – October
Sermon Ideas for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October) This is the best domestic violence sermon I've ever heard. It's from Pastor Neil Schori, of the Edge Church, Aurora,...
Southern Baptists make Evangelicalism Unsafe for Abused Wives & Husbands
Abused and Betrayed Christian Divorcees are Leaving the Church Today, I'm going after the Southern Baptists who in 2010 made the lives of abused wives and abused husbands just a...
Divorce or Legal Separation for Christians
Divorce vs. Legal Separation Many churches feel that legal separation is a good solution for an abused wife or husband because it fits their beliefs about Christians and divorce....
10 Facts Evangelical Pastors MUST Know about Kids and Divorce [VIDEO]
10 facts in just 3 minutes! It summarizes the best studies on kids and divorce. Each slide includes the source and the citation. For more studies about children and...