VIDEO REVIEW of THE POWER OF A PRAYING WIFE by Stormie Omartian For people wondering why so many Christian women say that "The Power of a Praying Wife" book is destructive...
Divorce and Children
Critique: Focus on the Family’s TikTok on Single Mothers and Brain Trauma
Several people have been very concerned about a problematic 60-second TikTok video from Focus on the Family (2/10/2024) that appeared to teach that single mothers have serious...
Debunking the Myth: Are Children of Single Mothers Who Remarry “40 Times More Likely” to be Abused?
Introduction: In the vast and often bewildering landscape of social media, it's not uncommon to stumble upon posts that spark heated discussions and perpetuate alarming...
Book Review: “Them Before Us” by Katy Faust and Stacy Manning
12 Serious Problems with Them Before Us by Katy Faust and Stacy Manning As a Christian, I really wanted to like this book by a Baptist pastor's wife, Katy Faust and her friend,...
Divorce Tips: 10 Ways To Stay In Touch With Your Children When They Are With The Other Parent
Question of the Day from a Divorced Mother of Young Children with Shared Custody: "Is there a preferred phone, app, or texting application that you have given your young child so...
Hope Restored: What Do They Teach About Kids and Divorce
Hope Restored Marriage Intensives Want to Scare You About Divorce and Children I'm doing a multi-part series HOPE RESTORED marriage intensives from #FocusOnTheFamily. Are their...
12 Positive Outcomes of Divorce that Nobody Told Us
12 POSITIVE OUTCOMES OF LIFE-SAVING DIVORCES...THAT NOBODY TOLD US Believe it or not, most Americans place a high value on marriage. We long for a marriage that is loving,...
Lundy Bancroft: Why Mothers Are Losing Custody of Their Kids to Abusers, and What You Can Do About It
Why Mothers are Losing Custody of their Kids to Abusers, and What You Can Do About It Interview with Lundy Bancroft, the bestselling author of Why Does He Do That? Inside...
“If I Divorce, Will My Children Divorce?” No. They are likely to have lifelong marriages.
If I Divorce, Will My Kid's Marriage End in Divorce, Too? Most adults whose parents divorced do not divorce. They are likely to have lifelong marriages. The majority of...
Bad Fathers Are Bad for Kids. Two-Parent Married Homes Aren’t Always Best per the Jaffee Study
Bad Fathers are Bad for Children: A Summary of the Jaffee Study This is a summary of the highlights of the Jaffee Study-for marital abuse victims who are weighing options: To...
How To Tell the Kids About The Divorce
HOW DO WE TELL THE KIDS ABOUT OUR DIVORCE? Note: This article is for difficult divorces, not for amicable divorces. Many books and articles recommend that you and the...
What’s in the Best Interest of the Child?
The best interest of the child is the Court's paramount consideration when deciding issues of conservatorship, possession, and access in divorce cases, SAPCR cases, and...
12 Half-Truths in “How Could Divorce Affect My Kids?” from Focus on the Family by Amy Desai, J.D.
Fact check of the article "How Could Divorce Affect My Kids?" by Amy Desai, J.D., on the Focus on the Family website. WARNING: This article has 12 half-truths in it. It misleads...
My Pastor Never Told Me Divorce Could Be Good for Kids
Why Didn't Our Pastors, Christian Authors, or Christian Radio Programs Tell Us the Truth? Sometimes Divorce is Good for Kids! Why Didn't Anyone Tell Us the Truth? Divorce Is...
Review and Comparison of Children’s Books on Divorce
4-Page Comparison Chart Evaluates 15 Bestselling Books about Divorce for Children (ages 2-13) 1 = very good; 2 = okay; 3 = not so good How do you pick just the right book on...
7 Reasons to Have Hope for Your Kids After Abuse and Divorce
Overview of this Presentation: Thirty years of family research have shown that high-conflict homes are incredibly damaging to children. When researchers studied kids brought up...
Divorce Saves Lives
Divorce Saves Lives When "no fault" divorce laws started passing one state at a time, starting with Governor Ronald Reagan in California in 1969, researchers wanted to see the...
10 Quotes on Kids and Divorce From Dr. Judith Wallerstein
10 Quotes on Children and Divorce from Dr. Judith Wallerstein The late Dr. Judith Wallerstein was a very important family researcher on the topic of divorce and children. She did...
Focus on the Family’s Articles on Children and Divorce Are Misleading Abused Wives
How Focus on the Family Misled Us to Believe Divorce Was Worse for Children Than Abuse! • About Me: If you're new to my blog, read this first. I'm a committed Evangelical...
Am I Being Abused? 5 Free Self-Tests, Assessments and Questionnaires
Am I Being Abused? Am I in Danger? FREE Questionnaires and Assessments Are you wondering if you're being abused or if this is a typical marriage, with normal highs and lows? Do...
How a Focus on the Family Divorce-and-Kids Article Nearly Killed Me
How Focus on the Family Misled Me to Believe Divorce Was Worse for Children Than Abuse Summary: Patricia tells her story of being in an abusive marriage, and how a Focus on the...