Critique of the Focus on the Family article: "PEDOPHILIA in MARRIAGE" 10 Pros and 10 Cons about their Advice . (Summary: Does Focus on the Family's article"Pedophilia in...
Christians and Divorce
Puritan Divorces: 10 Valid Reasons for Divorce
This table shows every known divorce among the Massachusetts Puritans 1639-1692. There are 40 divorces listed and the columns give the record location and page, the date, the...
Focus on the Family, Josh Duggar, and Pedophilia
Critique of the Focus on the Family article: PEDOPHILIA AND MARRIAGE 10 Pros and 10 Cons about their Advice . . Focus on the Family's online pedophilia article (link)...
Focus on the Family Doesn’t Condone Divorce for Abuse Victims
Divorce Saves Lives, But Focus on the Family Wants to Make it Harder for Abuse Victims to Divorce I know it's shocking. But Focus on the Family does not condone divorce for...
Divorce Saves Lives, But Focus on the Family Wants to Make it Harder to Obtain
Divorce Saves Lives, But Focus on the Family Wants to Make it Harder for Abuse Victims to Divorce When "no fault" divorce laws started passing one state at a time, starting with...
Are Focus On The Family’s Hope Restored Marriage Intensive Miracle Claims True?
Critique: Hope Restored Marriage Intensives Are Not the "Miracle" Abused Wives Seek If you are new, read this first: This is Part 1 of a series on Hope Restored Marriage...
Review: “Feeling Trapped in Your Marriage”: A Focus on the Family Article by Karen Scalf Bouchard
Review: "Feeling Trapped in Your Marriage": A Focus on the Family Article by Karen Scalf Bouchard If you are new, here's a quick overview: As Christians, we believe in God's plan...
Nearly 6 in 10 Christians Switch Churches When They Divorce
SWITCH CHURCHES, OR STAY, WHEN YOU DIVORCE? Nearly 6 in 10 Christians switch churches and leave their former church when they divorce. Lifeway Research (affiliated with the...
1-in-4 Highly Religious U.S. Marriages Have Abuse
1-in-4 Highly Religious U.S. Marriages Have Abuse How many Christian marriages have experienced abuse (intimate partner violence) with their current partner? It's...
Review: DivorceCare® Program Pros and Cons
Review of DivorceCare® Divorce Recovery Groups: Pros and Cons DivorceCare® (DC) is a conservative Christian divorce recovery program used in about 10% of Protestant...
12 Facts about Divorce that Focus On The Family Doesn’t Tell You
12 THINGS FOCUS ON THE FAMILY DOESN'T TELL YOU ABOUT DIVORCE AND CHRISTIANS As Christians, we believe in God's plan for marriage, that it be loving, undefiled, and lifelong. But...
Is “The Devil will exaggerate your mate’s failures” a Real Bible Verse?
There's meme going around in social media that appears to be a verse from the Bible, but it is not. It is a note in a study Bible placed just above a Bible verse. (And it's got...
Churches & Christian Denominations with Unsafe Divorce Policies for Abused Spouses
Churches & Denominations with Unsafe Official Divorce Policies for Abused Spouses If you belong to one of these denominations or attend one of their churches, please contact...
He Never Hit Me: Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Marriage
HE NEVER HIT ME: SIGNS OF AN EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE MARRIAGE I interviewed Cindy Burrell who is the author of the book, "Why Is He So Mean to Me?" and a writer on the topic...
How To Tell the Kids About The Divorce
HOW DO WE TELL THE KIDS ABOUT OUR DIVORCE? Note: This article is for difficult divorces, not for amicable divorces. Many books and articles recommend that you and the...
Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife: Resisting Sexual Harassment and Assault
HOW SEXUAL ABUSE VICTIMS RESIST Recently there was a tweet on Twitter talking about the biblical story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife (Genesis 39). The tweet suggested that...
Why Does She Stay In An Abusive Marriage? 50 Women & Men Tell Why
50 Abused Wives and Husbands Answer the Question: "Why Did You Stay So Long?" People wonder why abused women and men stay with a dangerous spouse for so long. I asked...
Why Did I Stay So Long When I Had Serious Grounds for Divorce?
Why did I stay so long when I had 100% serious biblical grounds for divorce? I asked this question in my private Facebook group, and here are some of the answers I received...
12 Half-Truths in “How Could Divorce Affect My Kids?” from Focus on the Family by Amy Desai, J.D.
Fact check of the article "How Could Divorce Affect My Kids?" by Amy Desai, J.D., on the Focus on the Family website. WARNING: This article has 12 half-truths in it. It misleads...
Summer Divorce Recovery Support Group for Christian Women
What do you do if you're a woman of faith but have experienced abuse or betrayal in your marriage? What if you know you need to get out, but you're worried about God's...
Can I Divorce After Saying “For Better or For Worse”?
CAN I DIVORCE AFTER SAYING "FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE"? When committed people of faith promise "for better or for worse" in our wedding vows, we take those words seriously....