Gretchen’s Interviews on Life-Saving Divorces
(In addition to the interviews below, see Gretchen’s You Tube Channel with more than 50 videos. Buy the book, The Life-Saving Divorce: Paperback: Or eBook:
Leslie Vernick interviews Gretchen Baskerville on Destructive Christian Marriages and Divorce on the “Relationship Truth Podcast”
NEW PODCAST: Leslie Vernick interviewed me, Gretchen Baskerville, on the “Relationship Truth” podcast. Leslie Vernick – Enriching Relationships That Matter MostVernick says, “Gretchen Baskerville was the ultimate good Christian girl. She followed all the “rules” so she would get all of God’s blessings. And then her marriage imploded. She wound up as a divorced mother full of hard questions for God and for the church. Hear part one of her two-part story and learn what she was never taught about what God says about women, marriage, and divorce.”
Two-part podast:
PODCAST: Untangled Faith Interview Gretchen Baskerville “What We’ve Gotten Wrong About Divorce”
THIS WAS THE #1 DOWNLOADED EPISODE OF 2022 FOR THE UNTANGLE FAITH PODCAST: Host Amy Fritz and I talk about Bible verses about divorce (including 2 in the Old Testament that command divorce). We talk about Weekend to Remember, Christian authors, and Focus on the Family and the misinformation they teach. We discuss Malachi 2:16, the so-called “God hates divorce” verse. We talk about how divorce has been proven to saves lives. We talk about why couples counseling is unethical where there is abuse, and why so many abuse victims are unaware they are abused.
Christian Post Article: “Spouses Suffering Abuse Find Empowerment to Leave Destructive Marriages in Secret Online Groups” by Brandon Showalter
Gretchen Baskerville was interviewed for this article published by The Christian Post. It discusses the secret online groups that provide encouragement and understanding for women and men of faith who need a life-saving divorce. Tens of thousands of committed believers find safe communities online, often because their church stigmatizes divorce and views them as second-class citizens. Insights from Gretchen Baskerville, Cindy Burrell, “Katie” an emotional abuse survivor, and Pastor Neil Schori.

AUDIO interview with the Christian Post journalist, Brandon Showalter, who tells why he wrote this article on secret online groups that encourage Christian wives and husbands who must divorce to save their lives and sanity from destructive spouses.
The Christian Post Reprints My Article “Is Divorce the Unpardonable Sin?”
It’s important to know that the Bible views a pattern of adultery, abuse, abandonment, and addictions as valid reasons for divorce. Link
NEW! Video Panel Discussion about Stormie Omartian’s bestseller, The Power of a Praying Wife
This interview is a panel discussion and critique of the book, The Power of a Praying Wife, by Stormie Omartian. Few people realize that Stormie was married and divorced in the 1970s. And she has endured a “miserable 40-year marriage” to her second husband, according to her book’s tongue-in-cheek foreword. Despite her husband’s anger issues, Stormie says she chose to stay in her second marriage to Michael Omartian, wanting to avoid a “heritage of divorce,” for her children. Sadly, she seems to be completely unaware of the heritage of abuse and anger, which on average is far worse for kids than divorce. She appears to also be unaware that the majority of children of divorced parents have lifelong marriages themselves and that children whose parents’ marriage broke down due to very serious issues are still likely to view marriage with high regard. Stormie – like many Christian women – never was told the truth: that when the home is highly toxic, divorce is far better for the children than staying. (Link to the evidence.) For an analysis of the Power of a Praying Wife’s good and bad advice on marriage, abuse, divorce, and prayer, listen to this panel discussion hosted by Sheila Wray Gregoire from the Bare Marriage Podcast, along with Sarah McDugal from Wilderness to Wild and Gretchen Baskerville from The Life-Saving Divorce.
NEW! Video Panel Discussion about Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth’s bestseller, Lies Women Believe
This interview is a panel discussion and critique of the book, Lies Women Believe, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth. The book has become a staple for churches, but it teaches about a God who is always angry at women, always critical of women, and always finding fault in women. The book suggests that if a Christian wife wants to divorce her husband for his long-term pattern of cheating or abuse of her or the children (no exception is even given for pedophilia), she is the one who has “fallen into the Deceiver’s trap and [has] been ensnared by his deception” – and not her husband. In my opinion, this book gives the husband a free pass to be unloving, immature, immoral, out of control, and addicted to power and other sinful desires, while placing his bad behavior at the woman’s feet. The interview is hosted by Sheila Wray Gregoire from the Bare Marriage Podcast, along with Sarah McDugal from Wilderness to Wild and Gretchen Baskerville from The Life-Saving Divorce.
PODCAST TOPIC: HOW TO TALK WITH KIDS ABOUT DIVORCE (especially if the reason for the divorce is NOT age appropriate)
Natalie Anne Hoffman, host of the Flying Free podcast, interviews Gretchen Baskerville, author of The Life-Saving Divorce, on Ep. 56, on what to say to children about divorce (especially those horrible betrayals where you don’t want them to know).
Plus, we discuss how to find meaning and identity after leaving a long, destructive marriage. (Learn about the 2005 research done on long abusive marriages that finally divorce:
Good news!
Whether a divorcee remarried or not, their lives were better than if they had stayed.) For the transcript go to For the transcript go to
Topic: Long-Term Singleness After Divorce
Gretchen Baskerville, author of the Life-Saving Divorce, talks about being single for 20 years following her divorce. Listen to her exciting story of how the Lord rebuilt her life, gave her meaning and purpose, and led her to a new ministry helping divorced Christians. (Spoiler: Her little children are now grown. They are happy vibrant adults! And she’ll tell you how that happened!) For the transcript go here:
Podcast Topic: Shame Busting Your Divorce
Gretchen Baskerville, author of the upcoming book, Life Saving Divorce, is back to talk with us about how women of faith can move from shame and fear into ministry and stability after divorce. Transcript:
Sheila Wray Gregoire, host of the #1 Christian Marriage Blog in North America interviews Gretchen Baskerville on abuse in Christian marriages
We discuss how Christian marriage resources (marriage books) and Focus on the Family ignore domestic violence as a valid reason to divorce.
We discuss that Focus on the Family features misleading articles on divorce and kids, and ignore the research that says that divorce can be ten times better for the children than staying in a destructive home. (Jump to minute: 17:00)
For more on Focus on the Family’s misleading articles on the effect of divorce on children, see this analysis of
1. Article, “How Could Divorce Affect My Kids?” Focus on the Family, by Amy J. Desai (This is the one with the Paul Amato graph on the five types of marriage than end in divorce and how if the marriage is bad, divorce is good for kids)
2. Article, “Is Divorce The Right Answer?” Focus on the Family, by Angela Bisignano
PODCAST TOPIC: My divorce story and why I wrote the book The Life-Saving Divorce.
We talk about purity culture, and the Baby Boomer version of it, long before I Kissed Dating Goodbye. We talk about Bible passages that allow divorce, and we debunk the old translations of Malachi 2:16, which say “I hate divorce.” It doesn’t actually say that. It says God hate men who unjustly, treacherously dump their wives. We talk about the problem with Evangelicalism and divorcees. Evangelical churches chase divorcees away more than other churches do. Also, one key study shows that women are doing better financially after divorce than they used to. And we talk about the major survey that discovered that in high-distress homes, it’s 10 times better for the kids if you leave than if you stay. In other words, the old advice “to stay for the kids” is wrong if the home is tense, you walk on eggshells, and you’re constantly monitoring your spouse’s mood.
Interview with “Pretty Psych”: Co-Hosts Megan Owens and Rochelle Sadie
– The Top 5 Myths of Divorce we heard in our churches
– The truth about kids and divorce: 8 in 10 turn out fine, with no serious longterm psychological, emotional, or social problems.
– The truth about the divorce rate (it’s at a 52-year low right now).
– Does Malachi 2:16 really say, “God hates divorce”? Not according to the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Podcast: Coach Andrea Interviews Gretchen Baskerville
She asked me:
- What is a life-saving divorce?
- What have you learned after years of research/listening to stories on divorce?
- What has been most helpful in your own healing journey?
Noises from the Attic Podcast Topic: Overview of Life-Saving Divorce
Pastor Steve Daugherty interviews Gretchen Baskerville, author of The Life-Saving Divorce.

Audio: Gretchen Baskerville narrates the Introduction to her book, The Life-Saving Divorce: Hope for People Leaving Destructive Relationships.
She tells a bit of her own story, her 20+ years in divorce recovery ministry in Evangelical churches, and what she learned from writing this book. Find out about the interviews that were so horrific they kept her up at night.
Hear the audio introduction to Gretchen’s book, The Life-Saving Divorce
Click HereVideo: Rabbi Walker Interviews Gretchen Baskerville | @IgniteANation [1 hour]
Rabbi Walker tells his own story of going through a life-saving divorce and what that meant to his ministry. We discuss the myths of divorce, the definition of a “life-saving” divorce, and the steps to wholeness after divorce.
Podcast: D-D-Divorce: Reclaiming Faith
When “Til Death Do Us Part” Didn’t Work Out with Kit Kennedy on @unchurchablepod [38 min].
We talk about how godly Christians-people who believe in the sanctity of marriage-are often treated poorly by the church, and why sometime Christian divorcees must walk away from the church in order to save their faith in God. We discuss purity culture and false promises the church makes to young couples that simply don’t always pan out. Yes, you can love God and get a divorce.

Topic: Four Domestic Violence Awareness Advocates
We talk about sheltering-at-home during the novel coronavirus COVID19. (AUDIO, panel discussion) A discussion led by author Shirley Fessel, and including Ashley Easter, Lori Anne Thompson, and Gretchen Baskerville.
Host Blake Chastain interviews Gretchen Baskerville about why so many Christians stop attending church after their divorce, even though they love God and identify as Christians. [1.5 hours]
PODCAST TOPIC: Good News for Millennials. Your Boomer Parents’ Divorce Won’t Cause You to Divorce
Meghan interviews Gretchen on why Millennials have a lower divorce rate than their parents. (Link to the evidence.) We discuss purity culture 30 years ago versus today. Same message, slightly different rules. We talk about which divorces are good for kids (spoiler: the ones where the marriage had abuse, betrayal, fear, tension, or addictions, etc.), and which are bad (the ones where there was low or medium levels of conflict).
Can A Divorce Be Lifesaving? How to Handle the Church’s Stigma about Divorce
Sarah K Ramsey, is a pastor’s kid who helps women recover from toxic relationships. She’s also launched the popular new podcast, Toxic Person Proof. Today we talk about life-saving divorces for people of faith, and how to deal with the criticism from some church leaders and friends.
VIDEO VERSION of Sarah K. Ramsey’s “Toxic Proof Person” interview with Gretchen Baskerville:
9-Part Book Study for The Life-Saving Divorce, with Gretchen Baskerville
Go chapter by chapter through Gretchen’s book for people of faith who need a life-saving divorce.
Heather Elizabeth’s Held and Healed podcast
Topic: The 5 Myths of Divorce That Don’t Apply to Committed Christians with Gretchen Baskerville
Hanging Onto Hope Podcast: Two Podcasts
Brenda J and Karen Wonder interview Gretchen Baskerville. Gretchen is a Christian divorce recovery leader and author of The Life Saving Divorce. Gretchen’s book is based off of interviews over the last 20 years. We take a deep dive into her book. An extremely informative and educational podcast. PART 1 of Hanging Onto Hope PodcastPART 2 of Hanging Onto Hope Podcast
Author Shirley Fessel (book: Redemption from Biblical Battering) interviews Gretchen Baskerville
Topics: How did you get started in divorce recovery at your church? Tell us about the book and your rapidly growing private Facebook group. How do you help people escape abusive marriages?

Order the Life-Saving Divorce book.
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
Sign up for the Life-Saving Divorce email list. I don’t email very often, but when I do, I send cool tip sheets on surviving and thriving after divorce. (Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time!)
PODCAST TOPIC: HOW TO TALK WITH KIDS ABOUT DIVORCE (especially if the reason for the divorce is NOT age appropriate)
Natalie Anne Hoffman, host of the Flying Free podcast, interviews Gretchen Baskerville, author of The Life-Saving Divorce, on Ep. 56, on what to say to children about divorce (especially those horrible betrayals where you don’t want them to know).
Plus, we discuss how to find meaning and identity after leaving a long, destructive marriage. (Learn about the 2005 research done on long abusive marriages that finally divorce:
Good news!
Whether a divorcee remarried or not, their lives were better than if they had stayed.) For the transcript go to For the transcript go to
Topic: Long-Term Singleness After Divorce
Gretchen Baskerville, author of the Life-Saving Divorce, talks about being single for 20 years following her divorce. Listen to her exciting story of how the Lord rebuilt her life, gave her meaning and purpose, and led her to a new ministry helping divorced Christians. (Spoiler: Her little children are now grown. They are happy vibrant adults! And she’ll tell you how that happened!) For the transcript go here:
Podcast Topic: Shame Busting Your Divorce
Gretchen Baskerville, author of the upcoming book, Life Saving Divorce, is back to talk with us about how women of faith can move from shame and fear into ministry and stability after divorce. Transcript:
Sheila Wray Gregoire, host of the #1 Christian Marriage Blog in North America interviews Gretchen Baskerville on abuse in Christian marriages
We discuss how Christian marriage resources (marriage books) and Focus on the Family ignore domestic violence as a valid reason to divorce.
We discuss that Focus on the Family features misleading articles on divorce and kids, and ignore the research that says that divorce can be ten times better for the children than staying in a destructive home. (Jump to minute: 17:00)
For more on Focus on the Family’s misleading articles on the effect of divorce on children, see this analysis of
1. Article, “How Could Divorce Affect My Kids?” Focus on the Family, by Amy J. Desai (This is the one with the Paul Amato graph on the five types of marriage than end in divorce and how if the marriage is bad, divorce is good for kids)
2. Article, “Is Divorce The Right Answer?” Focus on the Family, by Angela Bisignano
PODCAST TOPIC: My divorce story and why I wrote the book The Life-Saving Divorce.
We talk about purity culture, and the Baby Boomer version of it, long before I Kissed Dating Goodbye. We talk about Bible passages that allow divorce, and we debunk the old translations of Malachi 2:16, which say “I hate divorce.” It doesn’t actually say that. It says God hate men who unjustly, treacherously dump their wives. We talk about the problem with Evangelicalism and divorcees. Evangelical churches chase divorcees away more than other churches do. Also, one key study shows that women are doing better financially after divorce than they used to. And we talk about the major survey that discovered that in high-distress homes, it’s 10 times better for the kids if you leave than if you stay. In other words, the old advice “to stay for the kids” is wrong if the home is tense, you walk on eggshells, and you’re constantly monitoring your spouse’s mood.
Interview with “Pretty Psych”: Co-Hosts Megan Owens and Rochelle Sadie
– The Top 5 Myths of Divorce we heard in our churches
– The truth about kids and divorce: 8 in 10 turn out fine, with no serious longterm psychological, emotional, or social problems.
– The truth about the divorce rate (it’s at a 52-year low right now).
– Does Malachi 2:16 really say, “God hates divorce”? Not according to the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Podcast: Coach Andrea Interviews Gretchen Baskerville
She asked me:
- What is a life-saving divorce?
- What have you learned after years of research/listening to stories on divorce?
- What has been most helpful in your own healing journey?
Noises from the Attic Podcast Topic: Overview of Life-Saving Divorce
Pastor Steve Daugherty interviews Gretchen Baskerville, author of The Life-Saving Divorce.

Audio: Gretchen Baskerville narrates the Introduction to her book, The Life-Saving Divorce: Hope for People Leaving Destructive Relationships.
She tells a bit of her own story, her 20+ years in divorce recovery ministry in Evangelical churches, and what she learned from writing this book. Find out about the interviews that were so horrific they kept her up at night.
Hear the audio introduction to Gretchen’s book, The Life-Saving Divorce
Click HereVideo: Rabbi Walker Interviews Gretchen Baskerville | @IgniteANation [1 hour]
Rabbi Walker tells his own story of going through a life-saving divorce and what that meant to his ministry. We discuss the myths of divorce, the definition of a “life-saving” divorce, and the steps to wholeness after divorce.
Podcast: D-D-Divorce: Reclaiming Faith
When “Til Death Do Us Part” Didn’t Work Out with Kit Kennedy on @unchurchablepod [38 min].
We talk about how godly Christians-people who believe in the sanctity of marriage-are often treated poorly by the church, and why sometime Christian divorcees must walk away from the church in order to save their faith in God. We discuss purity culture and false promises the church makes to young couples that simply don’t always pan out. Yes, you can love God and get a divorce.

Topic: Four Domestic Violence Awareness Advocates
We talk about sheltering-at-home during the novel coronavirus COVID19. (AUDIO, panel discussion) A discussion led by author Shirley Fessel, and including Ashley Easter, Lori Anne Thompson, and Gretchen Baskerville.
Host Blake Chastain interviews Gretchen Baskerville about why so many Christians stop attending church after their divorce, even though they love God and identify as Christians. [1.5 hours]
PODCAST TOPIC: Good News for Millennials. Your Boomer Parents’ Divorce Won’t Cause You to Divorce
Meghan interviews Gretchen on why Millennials have a lower divorce rate than their parents. (Link to the evidence.) We discuss purity culture 30 years ago versus today. Same message, slightly different rules. We talk about which divorces are good for kids (spoiler: the ones where the marriage had abuse, betrayal, fear, tension, or addictions, etc.), and which are bad (the ones where there was low or medium levels of conflict).
Can A Divorce Be Lifesaving? How to Handle the Church’s Stigma about Divorce
Sarah K Ramsey, is a pastor’s kid who helps women recover from toxic relationships. She’s also launched the popular new podcast, Toxic Person Proof. Today we talk about life-saving divorces for people of faith, and how to deal with the criticism from some church leaders and friends.
VIDEO VERSION of Sarah K. Ramsey’s “Toxic Proof Person” interview with Gretchen Baskerville:
9-Part Book Study for The Life-Saving Divorce, with Gretchen Baskerville
Go chapter by chapter through Gretchen’s book for people of faith who need a life-saving divorce.
Heather Elizabeth’s Held and Healed podcast
Topic: The 5 Myths of Divorce That Don’t Apply to Committed Christians with Gretchen Baskerville
Hanging Onto Hope Podcast: Two Podcasts
Brenda J and Karen Wonder interview Gretchen Baskerville. Gretchen is a Christian divorce recovery leader and author of The Life Saving Divorce. Gretchen’s book is based off of interviews over the last 20 years. We take a deep dive into her book. An extremely informative and educational podcast. PART 1 of Hanging Onto Hope PodcastPART 2 of Hanging Onto Hope Podcast
Author Shirley Fessel (book: Redemption from Biblical Battering) interviews Gretchen Baskerville
Topics: How did you get started in divorce recovery at your church? Tell us about the book and your rapidly growing private Facebook group. How do you help people escape abusive marriages?

Order the Life-Saving Divorce book.
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
Sign up for the Life-Saving Divorce email list. I don’t email very often, but when I do, I send cool tip sheets on surviving and thriving after divorce. (Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time!)
Pastor Reuel Sample, The Pastor’s Voice podcast
We talk about how many “life-saving divorces” there are-the one-half of U.S. divorces that are for very serious reasons. We discuss why some churches are blind to this, they cannot see the damage being done in abusive marriages in the secrecy of the home. We talk about the spiritual ideology that traps abuse victims with their tormenters, by virtually promising them that if they just pray a bit more, God can (and will) perform a miracle. We talk a lot about the Bible verses never discussed in church; and the passages that condone divorce, even command divorce!
Therapy Extended With Liza Young, MFT: The Life-Saving Divorce with Gretchen Baskerville