Did Forbes Really Say "Lack Of Commitment" Is the Top Reason For Divorce? Recently I saw the graph "Top Reasons for Divorce" on the Forbes Advisor website, and my heart sank. The...
Why Do We Divorce?
Is Jordan Peterson Right about Women and Divorce?
Is Jordan Peterson Right about Women and Divorce in This Video? This week's question comes from a woman in my co-ed online divorce recovery group, the Life-Saving Divorce, made...
Do Women File for Divorce 70%-80% of the Time?
Do women file 70-80% of divorces in the U.S.? It's probably not quite as high as 70%, but it's close. According to Stanford professor Dr. Michael Rosenfeld's 2017 study, about...
Bad Fathers Are Bad for Kids. Two-Parent Married Homes Aren’t Always Best per the Jaffee Study
Bad Fathers are Bad for Children: A Summary of the Jaffee Study This is a summary of the highlights of the Jaffee Study-for marital abuse victims who are weighing options: To...
When Your Friend Doesn’t Believe You’re Being Abused
What do you say if a dear Christian friend disagrees with your decision to divorce your destructive spouse? . What if they accuse you of making things up? . What if they are...
Does Love (or Infatuation) Blind Us to Danger?
Do We Blind Ourselves When We Date? They say "love is blind," and that's often true. We are so enthralled with our new romance, we don't see the worrisome aspects of our...
5 Factors (such as Age at Marriage) and the Divorce Rate
5 Factors (such as Age at Marriage) and the Divorce Rate About Me: If you're new to my blog, read this first. I started leading Christian divorce recovery groups in Evangelical...
Life-Saving Divorce: Introduction (audio and transcript)
Sign up for the Life-Saving Divorce email list for updates. (You can unsubscribe at any time.) TRANSCRIPT: What's a Nice Christian Girl Like You Doing Promoting...
27 Myths about Divorce That Probably Don’t Apply to Committed Christians
Researchers have found (to their surprise) that deeply religious people stay in horrible marriages longer and endure far worse abuse than average. In the face of...