12 Serious Problems with Them Before Us by Katy Faust and Stacy Manning As a Christian, I really wanted to like this book by a Baptist pastor's wife, Katy Faust and her friend,...
Book Reviews
Critique: “Divorced: What to Do When,” Focus on the Family article, by Ron Blue, Jeremy L. White
Critique: "Divorced: What to Do When," Focus on the Family article, by Ron Blue, Jeremy L. White This is a critique and analysis of the Focus on the Family article,...
Lundy Bancroft: Why Mothers Are Losing Custody of Their Kids to Abusers, and What You Can Do About It
Why Mothers are Losing Custody of their Kids to Abusers, and What You Can Do About It Interview with Lundy Bancroft, the bestselling author of Why Does He Do That? Inside...
Review of “Lies Women Believe” by Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth
Review of the book "Lies Women Believe" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Summary: It is not recommended for wives in abusive or destructive relationships. To see the video version of this...