
Hope for People Leaving Destructive Relationships

You Can Love God and Still Get a Divorce.

And get this, God will still love you. Really.

Are you in a destructive marriage? One of emotional, physical, or verbal abuse? Infidelity? Neglect?

If yes, you know you need to escape, but you’re probably worried about going against God’s will. I have good news for you. You might need to divorce to save your life and sanity. And God is right beside you.

Welcome to Life-Saving Divorce, your resource center to finding clarity and support for your situation.

Featured on the Blog

What is a Life-Saving Divorce?

Nearly half of divorces in America are for serious issues: a pattern of adultery, sexual immorality, domestic violence, chronic emotional abuse, life-altering addictions, abandonment or severe neglect. I call these the Life-Saving Divorces.

By Gretchen Baskerville

In my interviews with Christian divorcees, I’ve often heard that they stayed in an unfaithful or abusive marriage for decades because they were taught that divorce was a sin.

This myth says that all divorce is forbidden by God, sinful, and unpardonable in God’s eyes-or, similarly, it says that Jesus or Paul never mention the topic of physical or emotional abuse, so those must not be biblical reasons for divorce.

the Life-Saving Divorce On YouTube

Divorce as God's Protection of Women in the Bible

Dynamics of Abuse, Bob Hamp MFT

Myth: God Hates Divorce

20 Years in an Emotionally Destructive Christian Marriage | Cindy Burrell

Churches and Emotionally Abusive Christian Marriages

Divorce as God's Protection of Old Testament Wives

Featured Interview

Need Resources?

Links, books, videos and resources on divorce, abuse, and co-parenting that we use personally.


The Life-Saving Divorce BOOK

Did you know Life-Saving Divorce started as a book? In the book you’ll learn:

  • How to know if you should stay or if you should go.
  • The four key Bible verses that support divorce for infidelity, neglect, and physical and/or emotional abuse.
  • Twenty-seven myths about divorce that aren’t true for many Christians.
  • Why a divorce is likely the absolute best thing for your children.
  • How to deal with friends and family who disapprove of divorce.
  • How to find safe friends and churches after a divorce.

Praise for Life-Saving Divorce

“Mark my words—The Life-Saving Divorce is going to be a huge catalyst for change in the Christian community. Gretchen not only has years of experience working with Christian divorcees, but she has done hardcore research and produced an incredibly powerful, compassionate, and insightful solution for the destructive issues found in many Christian marriages. If you have ever wondered if God is okay with you and your divorce, you need to read this book.”

—Natalie Hoffman

Author of Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage

“I’m so thankful for Gretchen and this book… Gretchen uses her God-given gifts and her years spent leading divorce recovery groups to help regular people like me, who are still in a fog of disbelief (after 24+ months of leaving), come to grips with why divorce is okay with God in certain situations. She’s helping fight the imaginary taboo that regularly accompanies Christians who divorce. This book will help you. And please buy it for a friend who may feel trapped because of her devotion to our Lord—and her vows. It could save her life.”

—Sheryl Weaver

“Gretchen is giving freedom for captives. She helped me think deeply about deeply held wrong ideas related to divorce!”

—Pastor neil schori

Pastor at the Edge Church, Key witness in the Drew Peterson murder case

“This practical and straightforward book combines a traditional high regard for scripture with the latest results of academic research by Christian scholars and applies it to pastoral realities. The problem of abuse within marriage is shamefully common but rarely mentioned, especially in churches. The approach of this book is both empathic and well researched, employing the latest stats alongside clear advice. A must for anyone involved in pastoral work and a lifeline for those suffering within marriages.”

—Reverend Dr. David Instone-Brewer

“Her voice is crucial, liberating, hopeful. She helped me see my life and marriage through God’s gracious eyes.”

—richelle wiseman